和平驾校 | 纽约皇后区和长岛值得信赖的驾校

您还在为不会开车烦恼吗?快来纽约和平驾校, 轻松获得美国驾照。和平驾校(Heping Driving School)成立于2018年2月,经过十多年的摸索,实践,获得纽约州政府的批准,注册成为合法纽约州华人驾驶学校。和平驾校是一家教学资源丰富、且获得纽约州政府的批准的合法纽约州华人驾驶学校。高品质的教学课程,力争让每一位学员都能在首次考试就通过并获得驾照。和平驾校的师资团队力量来自于原法拉盛一所老驾校,管理团队来自于奢侈品界零售服务业,因此更加懂得站在顾客的角度为客户着想,优质的售后服务,极高的路考通过率,高品质的教学以及高口碑宣传已经在短短时间内成为了我们驾校的主打优势。“一切为了学员”是我们驾校不变的教学宗旨;“确保教学质量、培训合格驾驶员”是本校孜孜以求的奋斗目标! 和平驾校官网: https://www.hpdriving.net/ 。

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Heping Driving School| The Best New York Driving School

Heping Driving School is a New York State Licensed Driving School. We offer driving lessons and 5 hour class in NYC and Queens. We take great pride in assisting students to develop the best driving skills from classroom teaching to behind-the-wheel training using advanced technology and modernized teaching concepts. Our highly experienced instructors provide each student with a unique teaching plan based on their driving experience and background. Our record for high road test passing rate is the best in the industry. Heping Driving School is proud to be ranked five stars voted by our students in providing high quality teaching and personal customer service.

In the bustling heart of New York, Heping Driving School stands as a beacon of excellence and safety in the driving education industry. As a fully accredited New York Driving School, we have been steering the community towards safer and more confident driving experiences for many years. Our sphere of influence spans across NYC and Queens, where we have become a household name in driving instruction. At Heping Driving School, we're not just teaching students how to drive; we're nurturing responsible, adept drivers who are equipped to navigate the complex, ever-changing roads with ease and confidence. Our comprehensive curriculum is meticulously designed to offer a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, aiding students to foster skills that will last a lifetime. Official homepage: https://www.hpdriving.net/ Address:136-68 Roosevelt Ave Suite 718, Flushing, NY 11354, United States Tel:01-7185789933

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